Speed Databasing Français : une activité associant rapidité et romantisme
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Auteurs : Frédérique Flamerie et Raphaël Grolimund, bibliothécaires respectivement à l’université de Bordeaux et à la Haute école…
Auteurs : Frédérique Flamerie et Raphaël Grolimund, bibliothécaires respectivement à l’université de Bordeaux et à la Haute école…
Students whose STEM courses are taught using active learning perform better than those taught with traditional lectures. That…
Este sábado participo en un panel de los European Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society sobre “enseñanza efectiva y…
A new study on active learning classrooms (ALCs) was recently covered in both Inside Higher Ed and the Chronicle of Higher…
Is there a way to bottle my approach to faculty development and let others use it? Maybe! As I reflect over my years in faculty…
Même si cela peut sembler assez contre-intuitif, commettre délibérément des erreurs pourrait améliorer l’apprentissage. Faire…
Title: Frequent small group interactions improve student learning gains in physics: Results from a nationally representative pre…
Professional development in pedagogy should be required throughout an instructor's employment, one teaching and learning dean…
Title: What really impacts the use of active learning in undergraduate STEM education? Results from a national survey of…
Let’s face it. Everything changed. Despite this, many educators and training programs have heroically attempted to keep…
APS Past-President/ Author: Lisa Feldman…
Title: Active learning narrows achievement gaps for underrepresented students in undergraduate science, technology, engineering…
A class on the University of Washington’s Seattle campus.University of…
Title: Graduate STEM Education for the 21st CenturyMany of us have a stereotypical image in mind when we think of a traditional…
Understanding what instructors say and how they respond to students “in the moment” is as important as the activities and the…
The recently released report Science and Engineering in Grades 6–12: Investigation and Design at the Center makes a strong…
Last fall at the POD Network conference for educational developers, I interviewed D. Christopher Brooks for Vanderbilt’s…
David Chandross explores how universities are immersing students in virtual reality games to enhance their learning.
Title: Costs of success: Financial implications of implementation of active learning in introductory physics courses for…
O ensino tradicional assume que o professor, detentor do conhecimento, transmite o que sabe aos alunos. Hoje conheceremos…
O ensino tradicional assume que o professor, detentor do conhecimento, transmite o que sabe aos alunos. Hoje conheceremos…
7 Ed Tech Trends to Watch in…
My latest upload : Questioning the lecture on @slideshare http://t.co/EEoreUnSsu via @SlideShare — Simon Lancaster (@S_J_Lancaste…
EiC Actually, excitement started more than a few weeks ago… Just seen #VICEPHEC15 is now online and open! Time to get…
Neither technophobia or technophilia is the right solution for our students. The real issue is the process of learning. My…
An awesome science show from the '80s makes it to YouTube, and it shows just how pointless the traditional lecture is. The post…
How can anyone be engaged in creative action without active involvement? Squishing the clay allows your hands to shape it.
2017 Engineering Academic Challenge is open for registration
... The post MIT Program Seeks To Engage High School Students Using Video Content appeared first on TeachThought.
College lectures on pedagogy and early literacy techniques were helpful to Elena Humpert, but it wasn’t until she spent nearly…
Note from Jeremy: this is a guest post from my friend Greg Crowther. Who among other things has been a biochemist, and an…
Getting young students through the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) pathway has been a long-standing national…
I’ve joined an Eberly Center seminar / reading group on the educational approach known as Active Learning (AL). [Obviously our…
I’ve been trying to incorporate more active learning into my lectures recently. There’s good evidence to show that active…
Academic freedom is glorious. Despite pronouncements to the contrary, university faculty — including most contingent faculty …
For a brief period in the history of teaching, using PowerPoint automatically qualified you as a tech-savvy professor – an…
The New York Times published an essay this weekend by education writer Annie Murphy Paul titled “Are College Lectures Unfair?…
In the US new open faculty positions are starting to be announced and ChemBark and Chemjobber are curating a list for chemistry…
Let's encourage active learning by requiring it in teaching statements.
In my last three columns I explained the reasons that college calculus instruction is now at crisis:The need to teach ever…
Over the past year, I've come to realize that Software Carpentry will only…
There are several bloggers continuing to criticize constructivist-inspired teaching methods. They almost always base their…
(warning this is long – you can skip to the conclusions or even bottom-bottom line at the end if you want) I am not an expert…
Dear Instructors, Here’s your challenge: Include active learning activities in every lecture. Just do it. Active learning is a…
Active Learning and STEM…
The author’s stethoscope from medical school. (Courtesy) By James Morris Guest…
As I’ve written about in a couple of recent posts, this semester has been really busy. I’ve been completely overwhelmed by the…
As I’ve written about in a couple of recent posts, this semester has been really busy. I’ve been completely overwhelmed by the…
The President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology (PCAST) will have another meeting on September 19. As is its…
The President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology (PCAST) will have another meeting on September 19. As is its…
Most University professors still rely on passive lectures to get their subject across. A meta-study which analyzed 225 studies…
This post is for the pre-tenure survival blog carnival that proflikesubstance is hosting. It has some of my general thoughts on…
This post is for the pre-tenure survival blog carnival that proflikesubstance is hosting. It has some of my general thoughts on…
Kipp Herreid and Nancy Schiller at the University at Buffalo have established the premier collection of case studies for…
Kipp Herreid and Nancy Schiller at the University at Buffalo have established the premier collection of case studies for…
MONA - Matematik- og Naturfagsdidaktik is a Danish journal for research in STEM education and their editorial office asked me…
There's an increasing body of literature demonstrating the benefits of active learning for tertiary students taking science…
Also this week: big data on possible P-hacking, a meta-analysis of active learning, Paul Krugman vs. the writing skills of…
Also this week: big data on possible P-hacking, a meta-analysis of active learning, Paul Krugman vs. the writing skills of…
College lecture classes have been around for more than 900 years. Lately, a handful of science and engineering professors have…
College lecture classes have been around for more than 900 years. Lately, a handful of science and engineering professors have…
Let’s make a few assumptions about teaching ability. The first of these is that the ability to be an effective teacher (a broad…
Image Credit: velkr0 …
Think back to when you learned how to ride a bike. You probably didn’t master this skill by listening to a series of riveting…