RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics | PNAS https://t.co/BPWVxiwM8n
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
RT @phillipdawson: A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active…
A reminder that the 'lectures vs active learning' meta-analysis used to justify the death of the lecture defined active learning as doing something active for at least 5 mins of a class. Most decent lectures count as active learning in this framework https
The most cited paper (a metastudy with nearly 11,000 cites) was in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: "Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics," https://t.co/0Oui8q38Mb . Another PNAS paper
この論文に関する「おすすめ」論文がまた面白い Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom | PNAS https://t.co/g7iRuMzgMF アクティブラーニングのほうが学習効果は高かったのに、講義型のほうが学生は学習できたと認識している 勉強できたという感覚と、実際の学習効果は違う これは文型練習についても言われている
この件について、講義型よりもアクティブラーニングのほうが効果が高いという研究はたくさんあります たとえば Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics | PNAS https://t.co/Msv9HBR6sq 図の青いのアクティブラーニングで、オレンジが説明型 脱落率は明らかに講義型のほうが多い
RT @justinskycak: @ninja_maths A direct quote from researchers: "... calls to increase the number of students receiving STEM degrees could…
@ninja_maths Man, these authors don't pull any punches! Same paper, later on: "Given our results, it is reasonable to raise concerns about the continued use of traditional lecturing as a control in future experiments." https://t.co/fsKMFTOEEz https://t.c
@ninja_maths A direct quote from researchers: "... calls to increase the number of students receiving STEM degrees could be answered, at least in part, by abandoning traditional lecturing in favor of active learning." https://t.co/fsKMFTOEEz https://t.co
Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics @PNASNews https://t.co/ojpcZsZ5l7
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
Fair comment. Must always look into definitions of teaching approaches (this paper, PISA scales, Andersen, etc etc), be they for or against.
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
Active learning does not exclude lecture or reading. Ask any autodidact. Active learners sequence 6 learning strategies ; spaced learning, retrieval practice, elaboration, dual coding, Interleaving and concrete examples. Difference 4x faster, longterm m
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
RT @rastokke: I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and m…
I had some recent correspondence about the paper 'Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering and mathematics' by Freeman et al. I'd like to make some comments about it, which perhaps others will find helpful. The paper is here:
@schooladvocate8 @rastokke Oh, now I'm confused... this says the opposite :) https://t.co/ZpV5ZQtxKV
(上記論文で再検討の対象となったFreeman 2014によるメタ分析)Freeeman et al,2014,Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics, PNAS 111.23 https://t.co/hUaYY3UxDW
@effortfuleduktr I wouldn’t compare active vs passive with the other monstrosities. At least in higher education there is solid evidence of the effectiveness of active learning. https://t.co/YprDQUZW3R
RT @alfiekohn: And it's still true in college: Even judging only by exam scores, a review of 225 [!] studies shows that active learning (th…
RT @alfiekohn: And it's still true in college: Even judging only by exam scores, a review of 225 [!] studies shows that active learning (th…
RT @alfiekohn: And it's still true in college: Even judging only by exam scores, a review of 225 [!] studies shows that active learning (th…
RT @alfiekohn: And it's still true in college: Even judging only by exam scores, a review of 225 [!] studies shows that active learning (th…
RT @alfiekohn: And it's still true in college: Even judging only by exam scores, a review of 225 [!] studies shows that active learning (th…
RT @alfiekohn: And it's still true in college: Even judging only by exam scores, a review of 225 [!] studies shows that active learning (th…
RT @alfiekohn: And it's still true in college: Even judging only by exam scores, a review of 225 [!] studies shows that active learning (th…
And it's still true in college: Even judging only by exam scores, a review of 225 [!] studies shows that active learning (the teacher does more asking than telling) leads to "strong increases in student performance" compared to trad'l lecture-based tching:
The take I have wanted to write about since grad school but haven't had the courage is about the misguided interpretations and applications of this paper and how it has shaped "big teaching" https://t.co/jYbiMCx8Nn
Active Learning Handelsman et al 2022 https://t.co/2UWu3KZTba Freeman et al 2014 https://t.co/gBnHSi18Pw
@ChenxinLi2 What is your take on: https://t.co/GZ1qiKpu2G
Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics | PNAS https://t.co/rf290Jhd5Q https://t.co/ZrJoxVVmsx
@LindsayMasland @joshua_r_eyler This one? https://t.co/taSgLaxSX8 in the discussion they make an argument similar to yours.
El documento completo está aquí https://t.co/2I4TXTmMkF
@Sorciermarine @FranckRamus @bgwatcher34 Je crois qu'il s'agit de cette étude, je ne sais pas ce qu'elle vaut : https://t.co/AyqZXb1Qy2
Ya’ll I went off. OP ended tweet with “the disadvantaged” I thought AP said we have to stop that.
@tombennett71 Love to read your supporting evidence. We also know that active learning classrooms produce stronger outcomes than lectures 1/x https://t.co/Xg7sVX2eaz
RT @MaryJacobTEL1: @chronicle Here is the PNAS article he mentions about active learning in STEM subjects https://t.co/Iqv7X4PnAf
@chronicle Here is the PNAS article he mentions about active learning in STEM subjects https://t.co/Iqv7X4PnAf
@ahmaduqureshi Yes sir, reportedly this 1960's study has been missing. But there are still many evidences out there on the publications that show effective alternatives or interventions. For example: https://t.co/tEjrwAaRq9 https://t.co/24VmmB9KK6
@LindsayMasland @kawaiilovesarah @AdamHubrig Please include the Freeman 2014 PNAS paper https://t.co/sxDxXKUC6C
Problem 1: A traditional talk is a lecture, even though pedagogy shows that lectures are a sub-optimal way to learn, at least for K-college STEM (https://t.co/ZhnHoDTgtz) For those at the upper levels of academia, the traditional lectures have been... ok.
In fact, science teaching *should* involve making students do activities to help them learn. This type of "active learning" in science classes significantly improves students' understanding, and it's more equitable! https://t.co/RK1LJzSg4p https://t.co/
@HippyMomPhD That sounds much more like a university-level survey course to me, not primary or secondary school. I don't know many colleagues who would have lasted if they simply talked at the students all class every class. https://t.co/MbUF3hqprW
@Howitz_Done The Freeman et al 2014 PNAS meta-analysis on active learning, hands down. https://t.co/sxDxXKUC6C
Very excited to start teaching EVIDENCE (EVI101) to amazing group of masters students @hgse - here's why we use active learning: It increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ht
RT @Carrefour_UQAM: L’apprentissage actif fonctionne. C’est prouvé. https://t.co/xuGRb4OTYs Excellente synthèse de @jsdube dans #leveilleur…
L’apprentissage actif fonctionne. C’est prouvé. https://t.co/xuGRb4OTYs Excellente synthèse de @jsdube dans #leveilleur @SSF_USherbrooke sur le sujet. + deux méta-analyses pour appuyer le tout : https://t.co/67ZavNpPcW https://t.co/qTnXx82yNt
Outstanding study on the success of students as active learners, versus the passive lecturing model. https://t.co/fagGZ9ObIy
RT @daborbolla: @Jfpohl Here is the link to the original study (open) https://t.co/VzaPQ2meoN Its always great to see that what we many ti…
@Jfpohl Here is the link to the original study (open) https://t.co/VzaPQ2meoN Its always great to see that what we many times assume as a fact (active learning vs lecturing) is supported by evidence
ICYMI https://t.co/b0qojF8kAF
The body of educational research on this topic is overwhelming... Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences https://t.co/NQthTVoY7L @AAAS @sstem_program @IusePro
The two major meta-study papers are here https://t.co/XjosxHbd4L https://t.co/RTkhEMSqDH
tandard assessments have enabled tremendous strides in STEM disciplines, e.g., Freeman et al., 2014 (https://t.co/zI1TlifKI6). Use the tools at https://t.co/kSJeQHkaLp to do your own publishable research in economics!
RT @YouTooBio: @LindsayMasland Freeman, Scott, et al. “Active Learning Increases Student Performance in Science, Engineering, and Mathemati…
RT @YouTooBio: @LindsayMasland Freeman, Scott, et al. “Active Learning Increases Student Performance in Science, Engineering, and Mathemati…
@LindsayMasland Freeman, Scott, et al. “Active Learning Increases Student Performance in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, no. 23, June 2014, pp. 8410–15. https://t.co/G6RXJqdkMj.
l'étude la plus horrible que j'ai pu lire pendant mes recherches 💀 https://t.co/2iFulV9iwc
We also know that hands-on learning (with our coding playgrounds) improves retention and mastery (https://t.co/wj4DEXig9d, https://t.co/0cIZ0X6pY9) Playgrounds also allow you to experiment directly - "kick the tires" as @fahimulhaq says - without context-
RT @spidermanzano: Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. https://t.co/dpKgsmrMh2
Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. https://t.co/dpKgsmrMh2
Just the regular plug for "active learning": "students in classes with traditional lecturing were 1.5 times more likely to fail than were students in classes with active learning" https://t.co/7vt8dFidFG
@SciJeanne https://t.co/flDPMrKKl9. In short ⬆️test scores ⬆️⬆️ higher order thinking tests ⬆️grades. With the added bonus of preparing them for the world outside of 🏫.
RT @majidruq: دراسة بعنوان" Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics" النتائج: تحسن متوسط د…
دراسة بعنوان" Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics" النتائج: تحسن متوسط درجات الطلبة بنحو 6٪ بطريقة التعلم النشط ،وأن الطلاب الذين تلقوا محاضرات تقليدية كانوا أكثر عرضة للفشل بمقدار 1.5 مرة عن أقرانهم. h
@_AVAP @josiahway Actually research has proven how effective active learning is for STEM courses. https://t.co/KznjSPZYYy
@lehrblick @SZ Results z. Shift from Teaching (Vorlesungen) to Learning (aktivierende Formate), zB Freeman et al. 2014 https://t.co/U8FFSQ0fJY No "continued use of traditional lecturing .. (but) support active learning as preferred, empirically validated
Hot take 5: and just while I’m at it, lectures are a terrible form of teaching on its own. We need more active learning experiences. https://t.co/xeOe6Fa6ZS
And whatever lecturing is turns out to be more a more efficient learning method for, it's apparently not as simple as "seminars for the humanities, but lectures for STEM" (which might seem intuitive if you think STEM is just a matter of getting the facts)
@tjoosten Lecture in STEM courses: https://t.co/N21TPzjpTb
@MMagdowski @n_powroznik Siehe auch Freeman et al., 2014 „Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics“ https://t.co/mX6qkbAnG6
@kpd_musing Whisper it - but commonly seen as not that effective.... Some evidence: https://t.co/RyDeFOeIhS
@Josef_Buchner @lombardi_learn @ChountaIrene @mkerres I also recommend Freeman et al., 2014 https://t.co/eGiWJ2SGOT
Active learning and STEM are a match made in heaven for overall student success and engagement. This 2014 article from @PNASNews brings it all together. https://t.co/Ijm1TSNiR9
Example paper: https://t.co/R4GhL2jSPI