¿Por qué la gente de otra generación nos parece más "avejentada"?
¿Te has preguntado por qué hay personas que teniendo la misma edad, lucen distintas? En cualquier aplicación, ya sea TikTok…
¿Te has preguntado por qué hay personas que teniendo la misma edad, lucen distintas? En cualquier aplicación, ya sea TikTok…
As we age, we want to have more life in our years — not just years in our life.
As we age, we want to have more life in our years — not just years in our life.
Medisite : actualité santé, bien-être, maladieSe connecter Actualités Bien-être et beauté Santé A-Z Grossesse et famille La…
La population vieillit inexorablement et, en 2050, près de 400 millions de personnes seront âgées de 80 ans et plus.
Source: Corona Borealis Studio/Shutterstock Covid-19 taught us valuable lessons.
Medisite : actualité santé, bien-être, maladieSe connecter Tout au long de notre vie, notre corps ne cesse de se modifier.
Gene, Rauchen, Sport und Ernährung beeinflussen das biologische Alter. Eine Studie bestätigt nun, dass die mentale Gesundheit…
MADRID.- En 2018, un empresario holandés de 69 añosinició una batalla legalpara intentar cambiar su edad: quería quitarse 20 años…
En 2018, un empresario holandés de 69 años inició una batalla legal para intentar cambiar su edad: quería quitarse 20 años de…
« L’important ce n’est pas l’âge sur la carte d’identité, mais ce qu’on a dans la tête » : vous avez souvent entendu cette…
Le célèbre adage affirme que nous avons « l’âge de nos artères ». À 41 ans, le skieur Johan Clarey a réussi à démontrer le…
Le célèbre adage affirme que nous avons « l’âge de nos artères ». À 41 ans, le skieur Johan Clarey a réussi à démontrer le…
Le célèbre adage affirme que nous avons « l’âge de nos artères ». À 41 ans, le skieur Johan Clarey a réussi à démontrer le…
Le célèbre adage affirme que nous avons « l’âge de nos artères ». À 41 ans, le skieur Johan Clarey a réussi à démontrer le…
Le célèbre adage affirme que nous avons « l’âge de nos artères ». À 41 ans, le skieur Johan Clarey a réussi à démontrer le…
Автор: 1 минута Наши органы стареют с разной скоростью. Так у внешне молодого человека, печень может быть, как у восьмидесятилетн…
Partout dans le monde, la population vieillit. Entre l’allongement de l’espérance de vie et la baisse du taux de natalité, la…
Across the world, populations are aging. Increases in life expectancy over the last century, combined with declining birth…
Across the world, populations are aging. Increases in life expectancy over the last century, combined with declining birth…
Across the world, populations are aging. Increases in life expectancy over the last century, combined with declining birth…
Yes, if the oxidative stress that accelerates ageing mediated degeneration is kept in check 3 hours ago · 8 min read Man is…
Согласно последним исследованиям, разные части нашего организма стареют с разной скоростью, и возраст некоторых органов может нам…
Правообладатель иллюстрации Getty Images Согласно последним исследованиям, разные части нашего организма стареют с разной скорост…
Why your organs might reach 100 even if you don't Research suggests some parts of the body age faster than others to the point…
June 22nd, 2020 Despite the challenges inherent in the practical use of epigenetic clocks based on age-related changes in DNA…
"Ageing rates vary widely, says study," BBC News reports. For 12 years, researchers tracked a range of biomarkers associated…
By Tina Donvito, thehealthy.com of Reader's Digest Canada | Age is just a number You may not be able to turn back time, but you…
Age is just a number You may not be able to turn back time, but you can alter the effects of time on your body.
You may not be able to turn back time, but you can alter the effects of time on your body.
You may not be able to turn back time, but you can alter the effects of time on your body.
View as slideshow Everyday Wellness The fountain of youth just isn’t a myth: You can actually delay the aging process with…
МОСКВА, 15 мая — РИА Новости, Альфия Еникеева. ДНК почти на 100 процентов определяет цвет волос, глаз и телосложение человека.
V adim Gladyshev is asking lab scientists to whip out their smartphones and take photos.
МОСКВА, 9 фев — РИА Новости, Альфия Еникеева. Одни за год стареют как за три, для других время словно течет медленнее.
T he 2009-2019 challenge sweeping the internet may as well be renamed the “How Hard Did Aging Hit You?” meme.
¿Quién notieneun amigo o conocido de la misma edad que parece mucho más joven que uno? ¿O que parece mayor? Sin embargo, segúndes…
¿Cuál es el secreto para no envejecer? Debe ser una de las preguntas más pensadas y desarrolladas de la historia que, hasta…
Every human is made to grow and age—that's just a fact. But how*we age depends on a number of factors, and there are ways you *ca…
"Ageing rates vary widely, says study," BBC News reports. For 12 years, researchers tracked a range of biomarkers associated…
11/07/2017 09:40 am ET Although the idea of aging evokes thoughts of the elderly, aging occurs in every stage of life…
Age is a peculiar concept. We tend to think of it as the number of birthdays we have celebrated -- our chronological age.
Moni suomalainen huippututkija lähtee ulkomaille, mutta Virpi Lummaahttp://www.hs.fi/haku/?search-term=Virpi%20Lummaa palasi…
We all have friends who were born in the same year but look years younger (or older) than we do.
Researchers are developing tests to calculate your true biological age. They claim that such tests can measure how well your…
Researchers are developing tests to calculate your true biological age. They claim that such tests can measure how well your…
Conseguir medir os parâmetros da idade biológica e da idade cronológica permite conhecer melhor o processo de envelhecimento e…
Time magazine lists blueberries among 10 foods that can help improve the look of skin and hair by providing vitamins and…
Старость не за горами С возрастом признаки старости проявляются все сильнее: кости становятся более хрупкими, уменьшается тонус м…
Following a huge group of people for a long time can be a terrific way to learn more about us.
Back in the day, astronomers studied galaxies one at a time. Data about each metropolis of stars had to be pieced together…
Back in the day, astronomers studied galaxies one at a time. Data about each metropolis of stars had to be pieced together…
The Kavli HUMAN Project aims to capture data over 20 years based on the lives of 10,000 people, centered in New York.
Back in the day, astronomers studied galaxies one at a time. Data about each metropolis of stars had to be pieced together…
Back in the day, astronomers studied galaxies one at a time. Data about each metropolis of stars had to be pieced together…
Back in the day, astronomers studied galaxies one at a time. Data about each metropolis of stars had to be pieced together…
Back in the day, astronomers studied galaxies one at a time. Data about each metropolis of stars had to be pieced together…
Back in the day, astronomers studied galaxies one at a time. Data about each metropolis of stars had to be pieced together…
Back in the day, astronomers studied galaxies one at a time. Data about each metropolis of stars had to be pieced together…
The Kavli HUMAN Project aims to capture data over 20 years based on the lives of 10,000 people, centered in New York.
Как утверждают ученые, в наше время не существует никаких эликсиров долголетия, методов трансгенной инженерии или волшебных источ…
FOR THE AGES People age at different rates, but the underlying drivers of aging likely remain the same, scientists suggested in…
Un equipo internacional de investigadores ha encontrado una manera de medir el proceso de envejecimiento en adultos jóvenes…
A new study measured young people’s pace of biological aging with the goal eventually to intervene to help prevent age-related…
The researchers determined these participants' "biological ages" based on how well their body systems were working. They found…
Washington DC: Researchers have now found a way to measure the aging process in young adults as they have identified the…
'Biological age' doesn't always stay in sync with chronological age, a study finds. Some people age three times faster than…
(HealthDay News) -- Adults who look older than their years may be aging at an accelerated pace, new research suggests.
«Sembri più giovane» spesso non è solo un complimento. Sono in molti ad avere una percezione di sé molto diversa dalla propria…
An international team says there may be a reason why some people seem to stay young well into their dotage. Researchers from…
Looking around at a 20th high school reunion, you might notice something puzzling about your classmates. Although they were all…
Biomarkers show some young adults are aging three times faster than others
Comparing participants' "biological age" to "chronlogical age," researchers say they may have cleared way for more effective…
Omilla elintavoilla voi vaikuttaa valtavasti elimistön vanhenemiseen, painottaa kansantautien ehkäisyyn perehtynyt asiantuntija.
“Ageing rates vary widely, says study,” BBC News reports. For 12 years, researchers tracked a range of biomarkers associated…
Stephen Feller DURHAM, N.C., July 8 (UPI) -- Researchers determined 18 factors to measure biological age in young adults to…
A idade biológica das pessoas pode ser muito diferente da sua idade real, assegura um estudo desenvolvido por cientistas norte-am…
Исследователи нашли биомаркеры старения — и на примере 38-летних новозеландцев выяснили, насколько разным бывает биологический во…
Es ist oft schon auf den ersten Blick erkennbar: Menschen altern unterschiedlich schnell. US-Forscher haben nun das biologische…
A study has confirmed what many of us have been saying for years: age is nothing but a number. The researchers developed a…
Mille individui nati nello stesso anno: alcuni a 38 anni ne «dimostravano» biologicamente 28, altri 61: l’importanza degli…
Looking around at a 20th high school reunion, you might notice something puzzling about your classmates. Although they were all…
Biomarkers show some young adults are aging three times faster than others An international research team from the US, UK…
A new study shows that younger people may have older biological ages suggesting that studying young people may help in finding…
Looking around at a 20th high school reunion, you might notice something puzzling about your classmates. Although they were all …
Study pinpoints factors that predict speed of aging — so maybe we can slow it down.
Anyone who has ever attended a high school reunion will notice one thing -- how different everyone looks. Though attendees are…
If you've ever been told "you look good for your age," take it as the compliment it's meant to be—some people can't say the same.
Some of the people you went to high school with look they haven’t aged a day since graduation. Others look like they could…
Scientists found that the gap of one's 'biological age' at 38 spanned from 30 to 60
A new study indicates that it might be possible to map an aging trajectory in young adults, potentially making interventions to…
A study has confirmed what many of us have been saying for years: age is nothing but a number. The researchers developed a…
Vi åldras olika snabbt, visar forskning. Vid 38 år är en del fortfarande i 20-årsåldern, rent biologiskt, medan andra nästan är…
A különböző emberek különböző gyorsasággal öregednek – egyesek akár háromszor sebesebben, mint a velük azonos kronológiai…