@tdhalesmt @jkimhar @KUTV2News @AGilbertReports Better yet, I'll just post the article here: https://t.co/4SDWZGkeGE
RT @pitiklinov: Se trata de un estudio en Eslovaquia donde encuentran que la susceptibilidad a seguir un comportamiento destructivo se dupl…
RT @pitiklinov: Se trata de un estudio en Eslovaquia donde encuentran que la susceptibilidad a seguir un comportamiento destructivo se dupl…
Se trata de un estudio en Eslovaquia donde encuentran que la susceptibilidad a seguir un comportamiento destructivo se duplicó cuando el daño se dirigió contra la etnia minoritaria (los gitanos) en lugar de contra los de su misma etnia. https://t.co/NyjZxU
Social contagion of ethnic hostility https://t.co/iILSKbPwpY
Czech scientists reveal that ethnic hatred is contagious https://t.co/6199PwZP7w https://t.co/BOtMfVIYfN
RT @realandrewliv: @BeyondContagion @FergusNeville @DrJohnDrury 'Contagion' invoked to explain an effect of target group membership on hos…
RT @realandrewliv: @BeyondContagion @FergusNeville @DrJohnDrury 'Contagion' invoked to explain an effect of target group membership on hos…
@BeyondContagion @FergusNeville @DrJohnDrury 'Contagion' invoked to explain an effect of target group membership on hostility towards outgroups - this contagion idea is turning into an epidemic! Social contagion of ethnic hostility https://t.co/DHw0iWbvs
Behavior that harms members of a different ethnic group is twice as contagious as behavior that harms coethnics: https://t.co/gnySQxsMaa
RT @Ivuoma: Really interesting study finding that hostility against outgroup members is more contagious than hostility against ingroup memb…
RT @Ivuoma: Really interesting study finding that hostility against outgroup members is more contagious than hostility against ingroup memb…
RT @Ivuoma: Really interesting study finding that hostility against outgroup members is more contagious than hostility against ingroup memb…
Really interesting study finding that hostility against outgroup members is more contagious than hostility against ingroup members. Another reason why minorities feel the need to be vigilant about mistreatment & shouldn't be gaslit about being snowflak
Social contagion of ethnic hostility | PNAS https://t.co/B2PG0uR7Ng https://t.co/r2QtDp6RuN
RT @lorraine_hope: Hostility 'contagious' towards minorities: the curse of bad apples. Sadly seems to have been plenty of evidence around u…
For my sociology and psych peeps. https://t.co/LVTPNJTiq2
Social contagion of ethnic hostility [Economic Sciences] https://t.co/XTySHwVyr4
RT @utafrith: Hostility towards minority is contagious, 2x more than hostility towards co-ethnics. https://t.co/8cj93OQZcf https://t.co/oVg…
RT @lorraine_hope: Hostility 'contagious' towards minorities: the curse of bad apples. Sadly seems to have been plenty of evidence around u…
Hostility 'contagious' towards minorities: the curse of bad apples. Sadly seems to have been plenty of evidence around us of this lately in the U.K. https://t.co/zkqwo3xJc4
RT @utafrith: Hostility towards minority is contagious, 2x more than hostility towards co-ethnics. https://t.co/8cj93OQZcf https://t.co/oVg…
RT @utafrith: Hostility towards minority is contagious, 2x more than hostility towards co-ethnics. https://t.co/8cj93OQZcf https://t.co/oVg…
Hostility towards minority is contagious, 2x more than hostility towards co-ethnics. https://t.co/8cj93OQZcf https://t.co/oVgH5BqLQa
RT @BehavEcolPapers: Social contagion of ethnic hostility [Economic Sciences] https://t.co/BxssrldDX0 @PNASNews
Social contagion of ethnic hostility [Economic Sciences] https://t.co/BxssrldDX0 @PNASNews
Social contagion of ethnic hostility https://t.co/Mharbrb6g0 v @PNASNews #openaccess
#Social #contagion of ethnic #hostility #[ #Economic Sciences #]..https://t.co/wq6SybXb2V
Social contagion of ethnic hostility https://t.co/z9Ve5Rp3sf
Social contagion of ethnic hostility | PNAS https://t.co/0Zbsu6wu7m https://t.co/Zo9IKga6y1
相手が同民族の場合よりもマイノリティのロマ民族の場合の方が、他者の危害行動に影響され、参加者自身もロマ民族に破壊的行動をとることが多い。Social contagion of ethnic hostility https://t.co/8lakZjtvEk
Social contagion of ethnic hostility https://t.co/mm2AiOWVly
Social contagion of ethnic hostility https://t.co/5ezwv4bKtj