Personality Differences and Adaptations in Families - PDAF,
Maps of the differences in the ways male and female brains are cabled show that men have better motor and spatial abilities…
Maps of the differences in the ways male and female brains are cabled show that men have better motor and spatial abilities…
The #connectome defines broad differences between the brains of men and women.…
Ο Νεομαρξισμός στα καλύτερά του! Η Χουρέμ Πουτάν με τις γνωστές πουτανιές της προωθεί την φασιστική ομοιογένεια των απολυταρχικών…
This study was done a couple of years ago, but we think it is worth sharing now. #SexDifferences #HumanBrain #BrainStudies #Gend…
RT SexSciSociety: Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain #GenderDifferences
Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain #GenderDifferences
Ovviamente la $cienza ha dimostrato che le differenze fra maschi e femmine, uomini e donne, è soltanto culturale. Non dovete……
Dr Blake has posted an update - (Differences Between Male and Female Adolescent Brains) - On his website
Dr Blake has posted an update - (Differences Between Male and Female Adolescent Brains) - On his website
El cerebro del hombre y el de la mujer no se estructuran de la misma manera, al menos en cuanto a las conexiones entre los…
Sex differences in human behavior show adaptive complementarity.
Sex differences in human behavior show adaptive complementarity.
"Sex differences in human behavior show adaptive complementarity: Males have better motor and spatial abilities, whereas…
"Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain" #gender #biology #neuroscience #cogSci #philMind
Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain. The results establish that male brains are optimized for…
Diferencias sexuales en la conectividad estructural del humano con tractrografia. Sex differences in the structural connectome…
In a study published in the December 2, 2013, online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, radiologist… Donc OUI l'homme et la femme sont différent, désolé de…
a little bit of science for ya! :)
"male brains are optimized for intrahemispheric and female brains for interhemispheric communication. ... male brains are…
DTI research. Large N, but may conflate structure and function.
Are men and women really different, oh yes we are! But did anyone actually have any doubts? Really! Now can the woman's…
ya lo decía yo!!
You mean . . . boys and girls are different?
طريقة الاتصال بين أجزاء الدماغ تختلف مابين النساء والرجال ولكن ليس تماماً وجد فريق من العلماء في جامعة بنسلفانيا للعلوم الطبي…
a minor setback in the gender equality issue?
Las investigaciones en el mapa cerebral son muy necesarias, pero hay que tener mucho cuidado con las conclusiones, ¿ en base a…
PC "violation alert" 'Sex differences in human behavior show adaptive complementarity: Males have better motor and spatial…
Fascinating article.
Muchos periódicos han divulgado la noticia del artículo de los PNAS en el que uno grupo de neurocientíficos habría descubierto…
BUONGIORNO MAIALI E SCROFE !! SAPETE COS'HANNO SCOPERTO ?? Il #cervello maschile è strutturato per ottimizzare la…
Hence, why we can't get along.
I förrgår prepublicerades en ny vetenskaplig artikel som redan synts i internationell media och som svensk media säkert redan…
Fascinating.... "Overall, the results suggest that male brains are structured to facilitate connectivity between perception…
The abstract is laced with flacktalk like "complementarity" and bullskite like " intuitive processing modes". WTF does that…
Artículo interesante; las conecciones cerebrales en hombres son más en un mismo hemisferio mientras que el de las mujeres es…
Ayer mi amiga Olguiux Paulin planteó una duda razonable acerca del artículo de PNAS sobre las diferencias de conexiones en el…
I've seen The Independent article reporting on a study about gender differences in brain connectivity. Allow me to suggest a…
Encuentran bases biologicas para... El "baño de mujeres" de Mijares! Cientificos de UPenn han encontrado que la mayor parte del …
Una nueva investigación (Universidad de Pensilvania, USA) confirma diferencias de género en el cerebro. El masculino tiene…
Sex differences in the brain! I bet this will lead to endless discussions...
That's why we are so different and can't be equal in our specializations.
Observations suggest that male brains are structured to facilitate connectivity between perception and coordinated action…
Mannen en vrouwen breinen... we zijn echter anders.
Mother Nature is sexist. "Sex differences are of high scientific and societal interest because of their prominence in behavior…
Científicos de la Universidad de Pensilvania creen haber hallado la clave neurológica de las diferencias de comportamiento de…
And now we know Men and Women do not think the same way. There really is Male logic and Female logic. Not drawing conclusions…
Los hombres nos orientamos mejor y las mujeres son mas analíticas e intuitivas. "The results suggest that male brains are… Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain. "The…
Major science discovery: It is official: Men and woman have different brain structure! I thought it is a default, and I was…
This is really interesting.
Major controversy on the horizon: "The observations suggest that male brains are structured to facilitate connectivity between…
Is This The tiny difference?
Now we know why...Men brains are different from Women's The results establish that male brains are optimized for…
Finally :) such good news. Can we please start complete each other ?
So it's official - we ARE wired differently.
men and women
Interesting news about the brain differences between men and women:
Intéressant. Beauvoir vas en prendre pour son rhume. « Il est aussi frappant de constater combien les cerveaux de la femme et…
I knew it and so did you
Seksualni mozak Na velikom uzorku od 949 mladih (8–22 g, 428 muški i 521 žene), koristeći nove tehnike slikovnog prikaza…
Differenze di genere nel cervello umano
"Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the…
More research supporting the differences in the way men's and women's (and girl's and boy's) brains are wired. Women tend to be…
"Sex differences in human behavior show adaptive complementarity: Males have better motor and spatial abilities, whereas…
The observations suggest that male brains are structured to facilitate connectivity between perception and coordinated action…
El cerebro del hombre y el de la mujer no se estructura de la misma manera. El trabajo, publicado hoy en la revista PNAS, señala…
…So Men do Think Differently than Women A new brain connectivity study from Penn Medicine published today in the…
Miesten ja naisten aivoissa sterotypioiden mukaisia eroja:
finalmente la scienza ci spiega perchè le donne non sanno parcheggiare e perchè l'intuito maschile è assimilabile a quello dei…
"Overall, the results suggest that male brains are structured to facilitate connectivity between perception and coordinated…
How Men's Brains Are Wired Differently Than Women's - Sex differences are of high scientific and societal interest because of…
How Men's Brains Are Wired Differently Than Women's - Sex differences are of high scientific and societal interest because of…