Evolutionary Anthropology Research Group, Durham University,
Analysis of 60% of the World's languages reveals convergence on similar sound-meaning associations. http://www.pnas.org/content…
Analysis of 60% of the World's languages reveals convergence on similar sound-meaning associations. http://www.pnas.org/content…
19-09-2016 -- FECHA…
O revoluție în lingvistică ... e sugerată de articolul acesta! {Aceleași sunete în multe limbi pentru aceleași cuvinte înseamnă…
Retweeted Trends Cogn Sci (@TrendsCognSci): Sound–meaning association biases evidenced across thousands of languages | PNAS…
Fascinating study published in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America" in which…
Языки мира: одинаковые слова звучат похоже А вы замечали, что названия одних и тех же вещей в разных языках похожи? Причём, эта…
Abstract for the sound-meaning paper referenced earlier.
This is exciting! CoEDL Partner Investigator Morten Christiansen is being extensively interviewed around the world about these…
Sound–meaning association biases evidenced across thousands of #languages https://t.co/WR2gMmkcVK
And there's also one on the (putative) arbitrary association between sound and meaning in human languages.