The affect of the anthropause brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic on seaside particles accumulation in Maui, Hawaiʻi – Scientific Experiences
Sheavly, S. B.
Sheavly, S. B.
* Orizzonti Politici è un Think Tank di giovani studenti nel campo della politica e dell’economia.
La Recherche - Connaît-on l'ampleur de la pollution des mers par le plastique ? François Galgani - Deux études chiffrées ont…
Seals from Canada’s eastern Arctic have so far managed to avoid the scourge of plastic pollution.
Tasmanien. Es sind alarmierende Zahlen, die das Institut für Meeres- und Antarktisforschung (Imas) der Universität Tasmanien…
Tasmanien. Es sind alarmierende Zahlen, die das Institut für Meeres- und Antarktisforschung (Imas) der Universität Tasmanien…
Tasmanien. Es sind alarmierende Zahlen, die das Institut für Meeres- und Antarktisforschung (Imas) der Universität Tasmanien…
Tasmanien. Es sind alarmierende Zahlen, die das Institut für Meeres- und Antarktisforschung (Imas) der Universität Tasmanien…
Perdu dans le Pacifique Sud, ce confettis paradisiaque est devenu en l'espace de trente années, date à laquelle l'Unesco l'a été…
A tiny GI Joelies on the yellow lid of a plastic drum.The tide has washed the toy soldier tothe same grey colour as a small…
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jennifer Lavers, Research Scientist, University of Tasmania Today we learnt of yet…
Today we learnt of yet another remote and formerly pristine location on our planet that’s become “trashed” by plastic debris.
Millionen Plastikteile haben Forscher an den Stränden der entlegenen Kokos-Inseln gefunden.
Silke StuckenbrockBeach debris along the north side of Direction Island in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
Beach debris along the north side of Direction Island in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
About 14 million tons of plastic enter the ocean every year. Some scientists estimate that there are 5.25 trillion pieces of…
Beach debris along the north side of Direction Island in the Cocos. Silke Stuckenbrock About 14 million tons of plastic enter…
There are more pieces of plastic in the ocean than stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
Can science solve it? This article includes teaching resources
A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people - and yet, its white sand beaches…
A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white sand beaches…
A video from the European Space Agency Web TV once again highlighted the extreme case of plastic pollution on the uninhabited…
All in all, there are about 37.7 million plastic items on the uninhabited island's beaches, weighing in at about 19.4 million…
No, seriously: plastics may actually be co-opted to help reduce harm to the environment -- but only if we stop screwing it up…
A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white sand beaches…
This Earth Day 2018 is focused on plastic pollution, and Henderson Island – a remote, uninhabited South Pacific island whose…
source Jennifer Lavers A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people – and yet…
Jennifer Lavers A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white…
Jennifer Lavers A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white…
source Jennifer Lavers A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people – and yet…
[Opinion column written by Joleah Lamb] There are more than 11 billion pieces of plastic debris on coral reefs across the Asia-Pa…
In our study, published Thursday in Science, we examined more than 124,000 reef-building corals and found that 89 percent of…
There are more than 11 billion pieces of plastic debris on coral reefs across the Asia-Pacific, according to our new research…
There are more than 11 billion pieces of plastic debris on coral reefs across the Asia-Pacific, according to our new research…
Caribbean governments are sparring over the “trash islands” floating off their shores, huge mounds of waste that include…
A few weeks ago, the world woke to the story of Henderson Island, the “South Pacific island of rubbish”.
Henderson Island is covered by nearly 20 tons of plastic—the highest density of anthropogenic debris recorded anywhere on Earth.
塑料是我们生活中不可缺少的一种原材料。我们用它制作像购物袋、瓶子或包装等等的日常用品。但那些被我们丢弃的塑料制品最后往往会被倒入海洋中,而事实证明此做法给野生动植物的生存带来极大的挑战。本集《随身英语(精品课)》讨论塑料给环境带来的影响和问题。 课文内容…
Henderson Island, an uninhabited atoll in the South Pacific, is so isolated that it’s one of the few places in the world “whose…
Climate Change, Development
Images of turtles, albatrosses and other marine species dying on account of plastic in our oceans have been doing rounds in…
An uninhabited Pacific island thousands of miles away from the nearest city has been named as the most plastic-polluted place…
By Melia Robinson of Business Insider | A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by…
© iStock Pink Pineapples Have Finally Arrived Pink pineapples are no longer just a playful summer clothing motif: Following a 12…
0 by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters 南太平洋・ピトケアン諸島のヘンダーソン島は「絶海の孤島」のような無人島であるという環境のおかげで自然が保たれ、ユネスコの世界遺産(自然遺産)に登録されているので…
A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white sand beaches…
Su una piccola isola delle Pitcairn britanniche, nel cuore dell’Oceano Pacifico, scienziati australiani hanno scoperto la più…
Continue reading the main story Foto Read in English La isla Henderson debería ser uno de los lugares más limpios de la Tierra…
If you haven't heard, you must have been hiding under a rock. Or maybe a piece of useless plastic junk : A pristine paradise is…
Nel bel mezzo dell’Oceano Pacifico meridionale c'è una remota e disabitata isola: Henderson Island.
Researchers say they have discovered the highest density of trash in the world on a tiny, remote island in the middle of the…
Ainutlaatuisen atollin kuorruttava muovimäärä on ihmiskunnalle pikkujuttu: saman verran syntyy tehtaissamme alle kahdessa…
Come la cattiva gestione dei rifiuti e il mancato recupero della plastica si trasformano in un disastro ambientale [23 maggio…
Come la cattiva gestione dei rifiuti e il mancato riutilizzo della plastica si trasforma in un disastro ambientale [23 maggio…
Plastic is durable—very, very durable—which is why we like it. Since it started being mass-produced in the 1950s, annual…
C’est une des îles les plus isolées du Pacifique, et elle n’est pas habitée par un seul humain.
An uninhabited Pacific island thousands of miles away from the nearest city has been named as the most plastic-polluted place…
Il posto più inquinato della Terra? E’ un piccolo atollo, Henderson Island, nel mezzo dell’Oceano Pacifico, letteralmente…
H enderson Island, an uninhabited atoll in the South Pacific, is so isolated that it’s one of the few places in the world “whose…
Henderson Island, an uninhabited atoll in the South Pacific, is so isolated that it's one of the few places in the world "whose…
L’isola di Henderson, nel mezzo dell’oceano Pacifico meridionale, è uno dei posti più remoti della Terra: è disabitata, eppure è…
Powinna być rajem, a straszy. Niewielka wyspa na Pacyfiku wygląda tak, jakby wszystkie śmieci świata trafiały właśnie na nią.
Jennifer Lavers A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white…
Back to Article A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet its white…
A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white sand beaches are.
Jennifer Lavers/University of Tasmania May 16, 2017 Imagine a pristine beach as far away as possible from human civilization.
A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people - and yet, its white sand beaches are.
Jennifer Lavers A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white…
Jennifer Lavers A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white…
A small island smack in the middle of the South Pacific has never been inhabited by people — and yet, its white sand beaches…
L'Isola di Hendersen fa parte dell'Arcipelago delle Isole Pitcarin del Regno Unito, ed è situata nel bel mezzo del Pacifico.
IMPACT 05/17/2017 05:41 pm ET Henderson Island has the highest density of waste reported anywhere in the world.
It would seem that a remote, uninhabited island in the South Pacific Ocean would be a pristine environment without any sign of…
From Popular Mechanics Imagine a pristine beach as far away as possible from human civilization.
Wolfgang Kaehler/ When you think of tropical, secluded islands, what comes to mind? White sands, clear water, and strong…
- 12:27 PM Tons of garbage, mostly plastic, litters the beaches on remote Henderson Island in the Pacific.
- 11:27 AM Tons of garbage, mostly plastic, litters the beaches on remote Henderson Island in the Pacific.
- 12:27 PM Tons of garbage, mostly plastic, litters the beaches on remote Henderson Island in the Pacific.
- 12:27 PM Tons of garbage, mostly plastic, litters the beaches on remote Henderson Island in the Pacific.
Millions of pieces of colorful plastic cover the once pristine beaches on a remote South Pacific island.
When you think of tropical, secluded islands, what comes to mind? White sands, clear water, and strong cocktails, right? That’s…
Σίδνεϊ, Αυστραλία Απέχει περισσότερο από 5.000 χιλιόμετρα από τον πολιτισμό και οι άνθρωποι το επισκέπτονται μόνο μια-δυο φορές τ…
Quella che vedete nella foto non è una spiaggia del Mediterraneo al termine di un rave o di una domenica d'agosto…
Henderson Island, an uninhabited atoll in the South Pacific, is so isolated that it's one of the few places in the world "whose…
Dans le Pacifique sud, isolée mais sur le passage d'un grand courant giratoire, la minuscule île Henderson, inhabitée, est…
Sulle spiagge di Henderson, la più grande delle remote Isole Pitcairn, nell'Oceano Pacifico, si accumulano detriti di plastica…
Henderson Island, located halfway between Chile and New Zealand, has an estimated 38 million pieces of trash washed up on the…
Um grupo de cientistas afirmou que a maior densidade mundial de lixo plástico de que se tem conhecimento fica numa pequena ilha…
Følg os Andre tjenester Viden 2017-05-17 12:02:08.0 Øde ø i Stillehavet er verdens mest plastikforurenede sted Strandene på den…
Sydney:A remote island in the South Pacific is the most polluted place on the planet, Australian research said on Tuesday.
Research scientist Jennifer Lavers came across a crab using a piece of plastic debris on the beach on Henderson Island.
Niestety, pozornie nieskażoną przyrodę wyspy należącej do brytyjskiego terytorium Pitcairn zanieczyszczają plastikowe śmieci.
Avec 671 déchets au mètre carré, l'île inhabitée Henderson est la plus polluée du monde.
38 Million Pieces of Plastic Trash Cover This Remote Island Henderson Island lies in the South Pacific, halfway between New…
A remote South Pacific island has the highest density of plastic debris reported anywhere on the planet, our new study has found.
0 写真拡大 英豪の共同研究で、南太平洋の無人島に集まるプラスチックごみの密度が世界最悪だと明らかになった。英領ピットケアン諸島に属するヘンダーソン島には、砂浜に推定3770万個の廃棄物が流れ着いていたという。島は廃棄物の集積で知られる南太平洋環流の中に位置…