Roach sprays don’t work
Popular Science,
In his line of research, Zachary DeVries has seen a lot of German cockroach infestations.
In his line of research, Zachary DeVries has seen a lot of German cockroach infestations.
In his line of research, Zachary DeVries has seen a lot of German cockroach infestations.
Un nuevo estudio explica cómo los insectos más odiados se propagaron por el mundo Publicado esta semana en la revista científica…
Son nom est la blatte germanique. De couleur bronze et minuscule (moins de 2 centimètres), elle fait partie des rares cafards à…
Imagen de la "Blattella germanica". Foto: D. Sikes - Flickr - Creative Commons Las cucarachas no suelen tener muy buena fama.
A new genetic study has traced the origins of the German cockroach, which accounts for most of the world’s pests and lives…
Un nuevo estudio genético ha revelado el origen de este animal que nos atormenta La mayoría de las cucarachas no nos molestan.
Most cockroaches don’t bother us. They have been existing in the various ecosystems of the Earth 130 million years, helping to…
A new study reveals how German cockroaches spread around the globe and evolved to thrive in human dwellings.
The German cockroach is one of the most common household pests worldwide.New research found that the species evolved to thrive…
(Denne saken ble først publisert på De liker seg i skitne sluk og blant søppel.
Cockroaches, the resilient insects that have become a ubiquitous part of urban legend and household annoyance, have a history…
Bisher kannte man die phylogenetische Abstammung der Deutschen Schabe (Blattella germanica) nicht.
Cockroaches, the rats of the insect world, are among the most loathed of wild creatures.
Researchers from Texas A
Researchers have unveiled insights into the origins of the common German cockroach.
Una de las plagas que tienen casi el total de las casas en el mundo son las cucarachas, pequeños insectos capaces de…
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by Brooke McDonald It turns out a common cockroach found across the globe is a pest of our own making.
by Brooke McDonald It turns out a common cockroach found across the globe is a pest of our own making.
AgriLife Research study suggests this pest has humans to thank for its evolution by Brooke McDonald It turns out a common…
Disgustingly resilient, the German cockroach is the most widespread roach of all roachkind.
The German cockroach is the most widespread in the world and humans were, to a large extent, responsible for its spread.
Cockroaches may seem like they're everywhere, but it didn't used to be that way.
A new study reveals how German cockroaches spread around the globe and evolved to thrive in human dwellings.
Em estudo genético das baratinhas, pesquisadores montaram linha do tempo da migração dos insetos para as cidades e descobriu…
The German cockroach, resolved by a team including Warren Booth from Virginia Tech, originated about 2,100 years ago in Asia…
A baratinha, ou barata-alemã, é um inseto presente em todo o mundo, sendo uma das espécies de barata mais comuns que existem …
Die Deutsche Schabe ist eine der weltweit am häufigsten vorkommenden Haushaltsschädlinge.
A német csótány ( Blatella germanica ) mára az egész bolygón elterjedt lakótársunk, azonban a természetben, a vadonban nem él.
A német csótány (Blatella germanica) mára az egész bolygón elterjedt lakótársunk, azonban a természetben, a vadonban nem él.
am EDT The cockroach, contrary to popular belief, isn’t one species. There are over 4600 varieties of cockroaches, of which 30…
David Monniaux / Wikipedia Barata alemã (Blattella germanica) Cientistas descobriram a origem da chamada “barata alemã”, uma espé…
Ученые выяснили, откуда в Европе взялись тараканы и почему их не берут даже самые новые и убийственные инсектициды.
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Sebuah studi mengungkap bagaimana kecoak bisa menguasai dunia, khususnya di rumah-rumah.
Ученые раскрыли 250-летнюю тайну происхождения рыжего «немецкого» таракана, одного из самых распространенных насекомых, встречающ…
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter.. The cockroach that emerged from your sink drain and scuttled under the…
This writer has an unreasonable(?) fear of cockroaches. Any views shared here are hers alone and do not reflect the platform’s…
Globalisierungsgewinnler Blattella germanica gilt als der global weitest verbreitete Schädling.
DALLAS — They’re six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won’t die, no matter how hard you try.
This writer has an unreasonable(?) fear of cockroaches. Any views shared here are hers alone and do not reflect the platform’s…
Η κατσαρίδα που βγήκε από την αποχέτευση του νεροχύτη σας και κρύφτηκε κάτω από το ψυγείο μπορεί να κατάγεται από τη Γερμανία ή ο…
Schon beim Gedanken an Kakerlaken bekommen viele Menschen vor Ekel eine Gänsehaut.
If you ever saw a cockroach scuttling across your kitchen floor or a restaurant wall, chances are it was a German cockroach.
1716855391 2024-05-27 23:57:17 今まであなたの場合
If you ever saw a cockroach scuttling across your kitchen floor or a restaurant wall, chances are it was a German cockroach.
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The German cockroach is one of the most common household pests worldwide. New research found that the species evolved to thrive…
The German cockroach is one of the most common household pests worldwide. New research found that the species evolved to thrive…
The German cockroach is one of the most common household pests worldwide. New research found that the species evolved to thrive…
If you ever saw a cockroach scuttling across your kitchen floor or a restaurant wall, chances are it was a German cockroach.
The German cockroach is one of the most common household pests worldwide. New research found that the species evolved to thrive…
The German cockroach is one of the most common household pests worldwide. New research found that the species evolved to thrive…
A new study probes the origins of the German cockroach. (Courtesy Dr. Matt Bertone and Dr.
U n grupo de científicos resolvió el misterio de cómo las cucarachas lograron convertirse en una de las alimañas más comunes en…
Hanno colonizzato il mondo già a partire dai secoli scorsi: ecco da cosa dipende la capillare diffusione degli scarafaggi, la…
Woher kommt die "Deutsche Schabe" alias Blatella germanica? Und wie gelang ihr die Ausbreitung über die gesamte Welt? Dieses…
(CNN) — The cockroach that emerged from your sink drain and scuttled under the fridge? The nocturnal critter was most likely a…
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific…
(CNN) — The cockroach that emerged from your sink drain and scuttled under the fridge? The nocturnal critter was most likely a…
(CNN) — The cockroach that emerged from your sink drain and scuttled under the fridge? The nocturnal critter was most likely a…
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific…
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter.Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific…
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific…
at 8:05 AM Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries…
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter.Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific…
(CNN) — The cockroach that emerged from your sink drain and scuttled under the fridge? The nocturnal critter was most likely a…
(CNN) — The cockroach that emerged from your sink drain and scuttled under the fridge? The nocturnal critter was most likely a…
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific…
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific…
German cockroaches communicate with one another about where to find food, a behavior that seems to be unique among cockroach…
(CNN) — The cockroach that emerged from your sink drain and scuttled under the fridge? The nocturnal critter was most likely a…
(CNN) — The cockroach that emerged from your sink drain and scuttled under the fridge? The nocturnal critter was most likely a…
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
Woher kommt die „Deutsche Schabe“ alias Blatella germanica? Und wie gelang ihr die Ausbreitung über die gesamte Welt? Dieses…
, 19:13 Международная команда генетиков показала, что это всемирно распространенное насекомое Blattella germanica или немецкий та…
Αν και δεν πετούν ταξιδεύουν σε όλο τον κόσμο - Όπως αποκαλύπτει έρευνα «μετακόμισαν» στην Ευρώπη μάλλον πρόσφατα Η γερμανική κατ…
من بين 4500 نوع من الصراصير، ربما يكون الصرصور الألماني هو المصدر الرئيسي للإزعاج، فهو يخرج من مخبئه ليلا وينطلق عبر المنزل بحثا…
I haven’t heard of anything going on with family or friends. Of course, we’ve had a wet week, which does tend to kill the urge…
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
DALLAS — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try.
Como sucede5:58La cucaracha más común en el mundo es “un monstruo de nuestra propia creación”, según un estudio A pesar de su…
Cum s-au răspândit gândacii „de bucătărie”, acești invadatori domestici cu șase picioare, păroși, care pur și simplu nu vor să…
Cockroaches boast some impressive skills: They can move incredibly fast, they can make themselves totally flat in order to…
Kakerlaken kennt man auf der ganzen Welt – die bekannteste von ihnen ist die Deutsche Schabe.
Kakerlaken kennt man auf der ganzen Welt – die bekannteste von ihnen ist die Deutsche Schabe.
Warum ausgerechnet die Deutsche Schabe auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet ist Kakerlaken kennt man auf der ganzen Welt - die…