Racism is wired into the American mind. Here's how we can change that
Progress toward a more just and equitable society may be on the horizon. Since the killing of George Floyd by a white police…
Progress toward a more just and equitable society may be on the horizon. Since the killing of George Floyd by a white police…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
JAWEED KALEEM Los Angeles Times Updated January 28, 2023 3:59 PM The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
pm EST|Press play to listen to this article! Got it! The world is reeling from body cam footage that was just released of Tyre…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
The cycle of police violence and protest in America has so often been told as a story of white officers shooting Black men that…
- NewsBreak But the death of Tyre Nichols has challenged the narrative. The Memphis police chief, who has condemned and fired…
Nature Human Behavior, one of the most prestigious journals for social-science research, recently published an editorial, “Scienc…
From 2012 to 2015, a team of researchers collected 2.9 million police officer patrol records in Chicago.
Authored by WikiPedia co-founder Larry Sanger via larrysanger.org, “All encyclopedic content on Wikipedia,” declares a policy…
The Biden White House is ratcheting up the pressure to pass the anti-police George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
The growing movements of critical social justice and critical race theory are raising concerns with at least one theologian…
Planes crash all the time. How do I know that? We always hear about them on the news.
By Omar Rashad and Katherine Swartz, CalMatters California’s public universities are among the most racially diverse in the…
By Omar Rashad and Katherine Swartz, CalMatters California’s public universities are among the most racially diverse in the…
Commentary That America is a racist country is the great self-evident truth of the Left and of the ruling class whose moral…
A morte do americano George Floyd foi sem dúvida um caso horrível de abuso policial.
Progress toward a more just and equitable society may be on the horizon. Since the killing of George Floyd by a white police…
Progress toward a more just and equitable society may be on the horizon. Since the killing of George Floyd by a white police…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Benjamin…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Benjamin…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Benjamin…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Benjamin…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Benjamin…
Benjamin Waddell, Fort Lewis College (The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Benjamin…
Progress toward a more just and equitable society may be on the horizon. Since the killing of George Floyd by a white police…
In his presidential nomination acceptance speech, Democrat Joe Biden cited “systemic racism” as an established fact, despite…
She’s tailor-made for this era of conflict-driven TV. Tomi Lahren, the 28-year-old South Dakota native who is the host of First…
Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said that while U.S. law enforcement saw instances of police abusing their power…
This article is part of the Guns
© Tomasz Warszewski/Shutterstock The problem is more systemic than a single statistic.
Aug 1 · 9 min read How politics is eroding rigor and meritocracy in research. S ocial science is utterly unconvincing.
2020年6月22日晚,华东师范大学ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研究中心组织了一场许纪霖、刘擎、白彤东、吴冠军四位老师之间的 线上对谈 ,围绕美国当前的反种族主义抗议运动展开讨论。整体而言,四位老师均对这场运动持同情理解的立场,这一点我非常赞同;但对话…
© Shutterstock The media loves to tote the narrative that black Americans are far more likely to be victims of police violence.
© REUTERS / Elijah Nouvelage Police officers stand guard during a Juneteenth protest in Atlanta.
Democracy dies when we avoid tough conversations Jul 29 · 14 min read “All we have between us and the total breakdown of…
“I cited their study, so they disavowed it,” writes Heather Mac Donald. Ms. Mac Donald is a political commentator and fellow at…
The big lie that American policing is systemically racist poses an existential threat to the rule of law, racial harmony, and…
Two study authors have retracted their research after it was used in two opinion columns to dismiss systemic racism by police…
Two study authors have retracted their research after it was used in two opinion columns to dismiss systemic racism by police…
Two study authors have retracted their research after it was used in two opinion columns to dismiss systemic racism by police…
Joe Raedle/Getty Images Two study authors have retracted their research after it was used in two opinion columns to dismiss…
Two study authors have retracted their research after it was used in two opinion columns to dismiss systemic racism by police…
Researchers who published a widely cited paper on fatal police shootings last year said they’ve requested a retraction because…
A man takes photos of protest signs on a car during protests in downtown Los Angeles, Calif., June 3, 2020.
The Woke are after Pinker again, and if he's called a racist and misogynist, as he is in this latest attempt to demonize him…
The entire purpose of academic research is to discover the truth about vexing scientific and societal questions through the use…
“Why can’t we have a healthy discussion in the black community without dissenting views being denounced as coming from an Uncle…
Many Democrats have written off Trump voters as hopelessly irredeemable bigots.
Many Democrats have written off Trump voters as hopelessly irredeemable bigots.
Paco Freire/SOPA Images/Sipa USA In some parts of the US, police kill black people at a rate six times higher than they kill…
Going beyond showing disparities.. Jun 23 · 5 min read The killing of George Floyd has once again sparked a national discussion…
‘Trayvon Martin,” says Dave Chappelle, “was murdered by George Zimmerman.” No, he wasn’t.
Comedian Dave Chappelle greets the audience at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., October 27, 2019.
The war on police brutality hides a much bigger threat to all Americans Jun 19 · 9 min read Let’s get something straight: white…
In this era of ubiquitous cellphone video, it’s encouraging that police killings of Black men are finally getting the attention…
A man stands in front of a police car in Louisville, Ky., June 1, 2020. (Bryan Woolston/Reuters) In response to Statistics on…
President Donald J. Trump returns to the Oval Office following a White House Coronavirus Task Force coronavirus update briefing…
Essa é sua matéria grátis do dia. Assine agora e tenha acesso ilimitado. R$ 0,99 no 1º mês A morte brutal de George Floyd nas mão…
America has been here before: a black man on the asphalt dying at the hands of the police.
America has been here before: a black man on the asphalt dying at the hands of the police.
A demonstrator holds a sign during a protest against racial inequality at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., June 6, 2020.
Det er ikke så enkelt som flere medier fremstiller det. Journalist og kommentator i Minerva Flere norske medier, blant annet…
The people condemning law enforcement in America and advocating for the defunding of police are not the ones who will have to…