ESG investors shouldn’t ignore biotech’s potential to deliver change
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Es probable que en 2060 dispongamos de dispositivos móviles con acceso a la supercomputación.
Researchers from Lanzhou University in China have shown that the slime mold Physarum polycephalum is able to solve the…
Print By 3 mins ago in Technology Swedish technologists have successfully used nanotechnology to develop a biological computer…
All researchers at the kick-off meeting. Credit: Teresa de Martino. 20 Mar 2017 Dresden - A five-year, 6.1 million euro EU-Horizo…
Till Korten, Cornelia Kowol Top: Illustration of biocomputing units propelled by molecular motors through a junction within a…
(Nanowerk News) Crashing computers or smartphones and software security holes that allow hackers to steal millions of passwords…
20.03.2017 Startschuss für 6,1 Mio. Euro EU-Horizon 2020 Forschungsprojekt zur Entwicklung eines neuen Computer-Typen auf Basis…
EU satsar sex miljoner euro på ett nytt forskningsprojekt som ska ta hjälp av biologin för att skapa en helt ny typ av dator …
Printer friendly versionShare 20 March 2017 Technische Universitaet Dresden Launch of a five-year, 6.1 M€ EU-Horizon 2020…
Printer friendly versionShare 20 March 2017 Technische Universitaet Dresden Startschuss für 6,1 Mio.
14:30 Launch of a five-year, 6.1 M€ EU-Horizon 2020 project that aims to build a new type of powerful computer based on…
14:21 Startschuss für 6,1 Mio. Euro EU-Horizon 2020 Forschungsprojekt zur Entwicklung eines neuen Computer-Typen auf Basis von…
Tema Ett nytt forskningsprojekt ska ta hjälp av biologin för att skapa en helt ny typ av biologiska nanodatorer, som med…
Crashing computers or smartphones and software security holes that allow hackers to steal millions of passwords could be…
Dresden - A study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesreports a new parallel-computing approach based…
A newly-designed chip uses tiny, biological proteins to solve a particular type of problem that can take supercomputers…
Un descubrimiento abre las puertas hacia la creación de supercomputadores del tamaño de un libro, que, en rigor, estarán vivos…
The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our bodies, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), may also be able to power the…
Scientists may be able to successfully create living, breathing supercomputers that rely on ATP to function.
Discovery opens doors to creation of biological supercomputers that are about the size of a book.
Home > Press > World's first parallel computer based on biomolecular motors Abstract: A study reports the realization of a…
Home > Press > Building living, breathing supercomputers: Discovery opens doors to creation of biological supercomputers that…
Protein molecules travel around the circuit, forced in certain directions in directed ways, a bit like cars and trucks…
A study reports a new parallel-computing approach based on a combination of nanotechnology and biology that can solve…
Scientists have created an energy efficient biological supercomputer that is able to process information very quickly and…
Feb 29 2016 Microtubules crossing at pass junction. Conventional electronic computers have led to remarkable technological…
Az emberi sejteket energiával ellátó adenozin-trifoszfát (ATP) kutatók szerint talán a jövő szuperszámítógépeinek is hasonlóképpe…
Un equipo de científicos de Canadá, Reino Unido, Alemania, Países Bajos y Suecia ha desarrollado un 'superordenador biológico…
Researchers have taken on the problem of reducing a super computer the size of a basketball field to that of a book.
What was once the stuff of science fiction, is now just science. The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our…
TORONTO: Scientists have created an energy efficient biological supercomputer that is able to process information very quickly…
RECENT ARTICLES RECENT GALLERIES Toronto, Feb 28 (IANS) Scientists have created an energy efficient biological supercomputer…
A team of international scientists from Canada, the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden announced Friday that they had…
Toronto, Feb 28 : Scientists have created an energy efficient biological supercomputer that is able to process information very…
Toronto, Feb 28 (IANS) Scientists have created an energy efficient biological supercomputer that is able to process information…
A team of international scientists from Canada, the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden announced Friday that they had…
A team of international scientists from Canada, the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden announced Friday that they had…
Home > Press > Preventing protein unfolding: Polymers can reinforce proteins under mechanical forces Abstract: When the body…
Scientists have developed a new biological supercomputer model powered by adenosine triphosphate or ATP - a biochemical that…
TEHRAN (FNA)- The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our bodies, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), may also be able…
Building Living, Breathing Supercomputers Posted Yesterday by McGill University The substance that provides energy to all the…
A study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports a new parallel-computing approach based…
A father-and-son duo are part of a team of researchers led by McGill University’s Prof.
The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our bodies, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), may also be able to power the…
Related images (click to enlarge) Till Korten The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our bodies, Adenosine…
Researchers at McGill University have helped to develop a model of a biological supercomputer that can solve complex…
Researchers at McGill University have helped to develop a model of a biological supercomputer that can solve complex…
The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our bodies, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), may also be able to power the…
The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our bodies, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), may also be able to power the…
A study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports a new parallel-computing approach based…
MONTREAL, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- An international team of researchers have designed and built a model biological supercomputer…
Printer friendly versionShare 26 February 2016 McGill University Discovery opens doors to creation of biological supercomputers…
Home Technology Computer Sciences February 26, 2016 February 26, 2016 A study published this week in Proceedings of the…
McGill University (via noodls) / Discovery opens doors to creation of biological supercomputers that are about the size of a…
Previous Article Next Article Discovery opens doors to creation of biological supercomputers that are about the size of a book…
26.02.2016 Bahnbrechende Veröffentlichung über Entwicklung eines biologischen Rechners, der auf nanotechnologisch hergestellten…
A study reports the realization of a parallel computer based on designed nanofabricated channels explored in a massively…
(Nanowerk News) A study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences () reports a new parallel-computin…
Printer friendly versionShare 26 February 2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden A study reports the realization of a parallel…
Lunds universitet (via noodls) / Conventional computers have contributed to major advances for society over the past few decades…
A study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports a new parallel-computing approach based…
The substance that provides energy to all the cells in our bodies, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), may also be able to power the…
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