El sistema alimentario global homogeneizado pone en riesgo a las personas y al planeta
Noticias de la tierra,
A pesar de tener 14,000 especies de plantas comestibles y nutritivas para elegir, el 75% de los alimentos que comemos proviene…
A pesar de tener 14,000 especies de plantas comestibles y nutritivas para elegir, el 75% de los alimentos que comemos proviene…
Despite having 14,000 edible and nutritious plant species to choose from, 75% of the food we eat comes from just 12 plants and…
Despite having 14,000 edible and nutritious plant species to choose from, 75% of the food we eat comes from just 12 plants and…
We produceren meer voedsel dan ooit, tóch lijden miljoenen mensen honger. Grootschalige voedselproducenten hebben te veel macht…
For the past few years, scientists have been frantically sounding an alarm that governments refuse to hear: the global food…
For the past few years, scientists have been frantically sounding an alarm that governments refuse to hear: the global food…
For the past few years, scientists have been frantically sounding an alarm that governments refuse to hear: the global food…
For the past few years, scientists have been frantically sounding an alarm that governments refuse to hear: the global food…
For the past few years, scientists have been frantically sounding an alarm that governments refuse to hear: the global food…
© The Nation Promises, promises, promises. The toxic world of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and industrial agriculture…
Throughout the U.S., major food brands are trying to get rid of GMO ingredients—not necessarily for the right reasons, but…
In a back-to-the future kind of way, the President’s haphazard and imprecise approach to trade policy not only causes…
Stashed away in earthquake proof and environment-controlled vaults in South India are thousands of stockpiles of seeds of crops…
The New Food Economy is a non-profit newsroom using independent, deep, and unbiased reporting to investigate the forces shaping…
An underground seed repository intended for international emergencies has been opened at the request of a global agricultural…
One pest or one disease could wipe out an entire crop, something that just may happen to the world’s most popular banana, the…
Last month, the UK-based biological research journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B published a paper, Origins of Food…
Image by Colin K. Khoury, Harold A. Achicanoy, Carlos Navarro-Racines, Steven Sotelo, and Andy Jarvis at the International…
E mbedded in every conversation about feeding people, conserving natural resources and ensuring a healthy diet is the threat of…
Photo by Germanovich/iStock Excerpted from Bread, Wine, Chocolate: The Slow Loss of Foods We Love, out now from HarperOne.
© Christopher Furlong via NORTHWICH, UNITED KINGDOM - APRIL 01: Oranges and bananas are displayed for sale at a shop on April 1…
An underground seed repository intended for international emergencies has been opened at the request of a global agricultural…
Broccoli, the original superfood, is getting an upgrade. On top of the Vitamin C, Vitamin K, protein, dietary fiber, and slew…
A quick review of some recent events shows public opinion saying no to genetically modified food. The USDA's establishment of a…
As the morbid and jaded creatures we are, humans really get a kick out of pondering our species' ultimate demise. We have the…
The growth in demand for food worldwide is outstripping supply, and by the middle of the century, there will be about a third…
The typical Western diet—heavy on meat, starch, and sweets—is taking over the world . From Mexico to China, changes in what…
“The optimist”, wrote American fantasy fiction writer James Branch Cabell, “proclaims that we live in the best of all possible…
Het voedingspatroon van de wereldbewoners wordt steeds meer hetzelfde. Dat is een bedreiging voor de landbouw en wellicht ook…
More of the world's population is eating the same stuff, meaning more monocultural crops at risk for disease and less gut…
この50年間で、世界中の人々が似たような食品を食べる傾向が強まっており、その結果、人々の健康は損なわれ、農業生産も脆弱になっているという研究結果が 発表された 。 3月3日付けの「 米国科学アカデミー紀要 」誌に発表された 研究論文 によれば、世界の人々はい…
The world's reliance on narrow range of foods will lead to an increase in diseases like diabetes and a food supply that is more…
While national food supplies have diversified during the last 50 years, the global crop selection has homogenized, new analysis…
A study of the world¹s countries finds that over the last 50 years, diets have become ever more similar. This chart shows each…
A comprehensive new study of global food supplies confirms and thoroughly documents for the first time what experts have long…
By Plant Research International, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis
Hace tiempo que se sospechaba que los alimentos que consume la humanidad son cada vez más parecidos. Ahora, investigadores del…
Statt traditioneller Arten wachsen überall nur noch Weizen und Reis. Das ist schlecht für die Artenvielfalt – und die Menschen.
Az emberek étrendje egyre jobban uniformizálódik, a trenden pedig nem mutatkoznak a lassulás jelei.
En los últimos 50 años ha disminuido la variedad de especies de cultivos que alimentan al mundo, algo que puede poner en riesgo…
All it takes is a trip to the closest Whole Foods to discover how much more varied the offerings of an American grocery store…
According to an international study, people worldwide are forsaking traditional crops such as cassava, sorghum or millet …
Forscher haben im Auftrag der UN die Ernährungsgewohnheiten der vergangenen 50 Jahre untersucht. Sie sind beunruhigt. Die „Verwes…
WORLD FOOD WARNING: Increasing similarity in diets worldwide is a threat to health and food security with many people forsaking…
La creciente homogeneidad de los suministros mundiales de alimentos presenta graves riesgos para la agricultura y la alimentación…
Around the world, our plates are looking more and more the same, according to a new study. Several crops have risen to dominate…
A comprehensive new study of global food supplies confirms and thoroughly documents for the first time what experts have long…